
The Pendency of China's Trademark Registration to Be Shortened to Less Than Four Months by 2020


In April 26, Chen Wentong, Deputy Head of Trademark Bureau under State IP Office said that according to the Three-Year Plan of Reform on Trademark Registration Facilitation (2018 - 2020), the pendency of trademark registration will be shortened to 6 months by the end of 2018 and less than 4 months by 2020.


Since 2016, China’s trademark registration and facilitation has been improving continuously. The pendency of trademark registration has been shortened from 9 months to 8 months. However, as the demands and expectation of major market players and the general public get higher and higher, some profound problems and contradictions gradually emerge.


Under this background,focusing on the main goal of “shortening the pendency of trademark registration” , the former SAIC released the plan as appropriate to identify the difficult tasks of the facilitation reform arising in seven aspects of improving examination efficiency, enhancing the examination system, simplifying the application procedure, adjusting the fees, strengthening the technical support, reducing the trademark inventory on the paper and promoting the law revision.


Source: Xinhua
